Plans for more than 1,900 solar panels to be installed at the site of a factory on the edge of a Suffolk town have been given the go-ahead. 

Applicant Eden Sustainable Ltd. sought permission from West Suffolk Council for a 4,635m² solar farm on land at the Karro Food Group factory in Great Wratting, near Haverhill. 

The proposals, which were submitted earlier this year and given the green light by planners on October 4, will see 1,916 solar panels installed at the site which will generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of 9,000 homes.

A statement to the council on behalf of the applicant said the scheme would reduce carbon emissions by 221,226kg a year. 

The now-approved development will provide connections to both the distribution grid and directly to the Karro Food Group building. 

The 3m tall panels, which will face south and be angled to maximise the capture of solar energy, will have a peak power of 972.82 kWp. 

A statement to the council on behalf of the applicant read: "Ultimately the proposed development will make a valuable contribution to Haverhill’s secure, low carbon and affordable electricity system." 

In July, Great Wratting Parish Council and Kedington Parish Council voiced support for the plans. 

Councillor Indy Wijenayaka said he broadly supported the plans but called for the applicant to take onboard the Ecology report suggestions and install wildlife boxes. 

He also asked the applicant to look into creating a way to reduce the impact of water run off and to continually monitor the noise levels in all weather conditions and introduce acoustic reduction measures if noise became too loud. 

Eden Sustainable Ltd. now has three years to begin construction work which must take place between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am and 1pm on Saturdays.

This comes just weeks after controversial solar farms on land off Tye Lane in Bramford and land off The Channel in Burstall were given the go-ahead. 

And the proposed Sunnica Energy Farm, not too far from Haverhill, would see a 2,500-acre development built across the border between east Cambridgeshire and west Suffolk, including in Mildenhall, West Row, Freckenham and Worlington.

This is due to be decided on December 7.