A new farm shop could open in a village close to Bury St Edmunds as change of use plans have been submitted to a council. 

Proposals for a timber yard to be transformed to a farm shop at Jubilee Farm in Great Barton were put to West Suffolk Council in early April. 

The Pink Radish Farm Shop would be created in an existing farm building with small alterations to windows and doors. 

The central south-facing door would be replaced by a floor-to-ceiling double-glazed window and the west-facing door would also be transformed into a timber framed double glazed window. 

A disabled ramp access would also be added to one door. 

Access for the farm shop would be via the track from the B1106 Mill Road. 

There is a proposed parking area, which is currently grass an would initially be covered with matting before the creation of a gravel car park when funds allow. 

The car park will not have formal parking spaces, other than the disabled spaces which would be concreted. 

The applicant said they would maintain the track with road chippings and fix any potholes that may occur.