A man who has owned a vehicle repair shop in Haverhill for almost 30 years has said he fears "having to start over" as he's unable to find a new unit to move into within the town. 

Paul Manning, who has owned Suffolk Transmissions in Piperell Way since 1995, said he has been asked to leave his unit as a new business has taken over the site and wishes to re-develop. 

The businesses were due to leave last July, but since they could not find a new unit willing to let them rent Suffolk Transmissions was given more time. 

Some of the 15 staff members that work at Suffolk TransmissionsSome of the 15 staff members that work at Suffolk Transmissions (Image: Paul Manning)

However, Mr Manning said his business has now been issued an eviction notice and must leave by December 1.

He said: "I am very worried. We've got 15 staff members here to think about.

"When I first heard about it I was upset obviously, but I didn't think it would come to this situation where I can't find anywhere to go.

"There's not many units about, but there are a few. However, many landlords won't rent to motor trades.

The reception at Suffolk TransmissionsThe reception at Suffolk Transmissions (Image: Paul Manning)

"A lot of it is because they think we'll have cars laying around everywhere, or having cars on site and upsetting residents in units around you. 

"We'd need something for 30 or 40 vehicles which is a problem because most units only have five or six."

Inside Suffolk Transmissions HaverhillInside Suffolk Transmissions in Haverhill's Piperell Way (Image: Paul Manning)

Mr Manning said he is now faced with the prospect of moving his business to Bury St Edmunds, which is over 30 minutes drive from Haverhill. 

Of this move, he said: "I am worried that we are going to lose quite a lot of customers.

"A lot have said they will follow but once they have driven the hour round trip there and back once or twice I am not sure many people will.

"It feels like starting over again." 

Mr Manning urged anyone who has a suitable unit in the Haverhill area to contact him via the shop phone.