Proposals to redevelop an office block in Bury St Edmunds town centre into seven homes, including six flats, have been refused over the impact on a pair of trees.

Applicant Matthew Smith sought permission from West Suffolk Council to convert the offices and land at 12 Looms Lane into six flats and one home. 

The proposals, submitted last November, would have seen the site extended and retrofitted to create a townhouse-style building with the current car parking area becoming a single-storey home.

On June 6, West Suffolk Council refused the application over potential impacts on a veteran Robinia tree and a protected Sycamore tree nearby.

Refusing the plans, the officer said the trees were "in proximity to the application site whereby they will be impacted by the development".

The decision notice stated the proximity to the crown of the veteran tree would "likely cause a conflict between the tree and the building". 

They said there would be increased pressure to prune the tree because of complaints from residents regarding mess from leaves and bird droppings, and raised concerns over potential damage to the building foundations or the tree itself.