The man behind a two-bungalow development that has caused anger in a west Suffolk village has said he is 'surprised' by the concerns raised. 

Proposals for a new 1.5 storey bungalow following the demolition of an existing one at The Dell off The Street in Pakenham were approved last month. 

This is the second bungalow plan for the site submitted by the same applicant, Glenn Lebbon, who was granted permission from West Suffolk Council for the first plot back in 2022.

Access to The Dell in PakenhamAccess to The Dell in Pakenham (Image: Google maps)

However, Kathryn Wolfe, who lives at The Greenwoods which backs onto The Dell, told this newspaper that residents in the vicinity were angered by the scale and design of the plans, which she says are not in keeping with 'modest' and 'inconspicuous' bungalows they replaced. 

The TV consultant also raised concerns over developers "riding roughshod" over the planning department.

She said the developer has submitted a variation request on a condition on the plot one plans that stated no part of the development should be commenced until the access had been improved. 

The requested variation would see this condition changed so that the vehicular access must be improved by the time it is 'first occupied'. 

She said she feels the plot one conditions should have been fully discharged before plot two was approved. 

 Kathryn Wolfe, who lives at The Greenwoods Kathryn Wolfe, who lives at The Greenwoods (Image: Kathryn Wolfe)

Mr Lebbon, of Oakpark Properties which purchased the site with outline planning permission for two homes, has responded to the concerns raised.

He said: "When the site became ours we gained planning permission for a single one and a half storey property on the site following lengthy negotiations with the professional planners at West Suffolk Council. This property was started and we are nearing completion.

"The second application was for a similar property on the site to replace the ageing bungalow that exists at present. This application sailed through the planning process in record time as the design and positioning was considered very acceptable for the area. This second property has not been started yet.

"During the construction phase we have had difficulties with the various services in the access road and instead of digging up the access road on numerous occasions we have decided to do the work in 'one hit' and the planning department and enforcement team at West Suffolk are fully aware of this situation."

The Dell site from aboveThe Dell site from above (Image: Google maps)

He said he has met with the enforcement team on the site and they are "more than satisfied" with the situation.

"We have a separate variation application running at the moment under their guidance regarding the timing of work to the access road," he said.

"We have full support from the planning team at West Suffolk so we are very surprised that this development of only two new dwellings is causing concern."

A council spokesperson said: “We recognise that there are current breaches of the planning permission given. These largely relate to delays to the water connection which has meant the driveway was not finished before the other building works took place.

"The planning conditions require this to be resolved before anyone can move into the development. Officers are working closely with the developer to ensure this technical breach is resolved."

The spokesperson continued: "Decisions on planning applications are made weighing up both national and local planning policies and any issues raised by objectors that directly relate to these.

“The design, siting and relationship of the proposal to other nearby homes was carefully considered and found to be acceptable, and so the scheme was approved.”

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