Plans for 61 homes in a Suffolk village continue to come under fire, with a parish council calling for their refusal and more than 80 objections lodged. 

If Persimmon Homes plans before Mid Suffolk District Council are given the green light, 61 new one, two, three, four and five-bedroom homes will be built on the land west of Ixworth Road in Thurston, near Bury St Edmunds.

This is the second phase of the Persimmon Homes development, the first phase being known as College Park.

Thurston Parish Council has objected to the plan, citing concerns over, amongst other things, the density of the build, lack of distinctive character, highways safety and infrastructure issues. 

In a comment to the district council, the parish council said to date no action has been taken to improve junctions at Fishwick Corner, Pokeriage Corner, Beyton Road/Barton Road and in several other locations. 

They wrote: "Overall the council has concerns at the cumulative impact these proposals will continue to have, along with others, on highway safety for all users of the highway network." 

The parish council formally requested a change to the approach dealing with this and other applications and called for "a thorough and engaging review" to be undertaken with all the service providers including NHS England and education authorities. 

Meanwhile, some 88 comments of objection have been lodged against the plans. 

One resident, of Bassett Road on the existing Persimmon Homes College Park estate, said: "Thurston as a whole has no provision of a GP surgery with the nearest being either Moreton Hall, Ixworth or Woolpit. All of which are oversubscribed and have huge waiting lists.

They continued to say all of the local nurseries are full, local schools are getting oversubscribed, and crime is on the rise in the area. 

Another College Park resident said: "I have several significant concerns regarding the impact of this proposed development on the existing community and the quality of life for current homeowners." 

In a statement before the council, Persimmon Homes said: "It is considered that the proposal constitutes a sustainable and well -designed development that accords with relevant National and Local policies.

"If approved, this will make a positive contribution to the growth of Thurston." 

The plans are with the district council for consideration.

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