A village primary school continues to be good following an Ofsted visit earlier this year. 

Stanton Community Primary School in Upthorpe Road, near Bury St Edmunds, was visited by the education watchdog for an ungraded inspection, which confirms a school that had been rated good remains at this standard, on May 8 and 9. 

They found it continues to be a good school with praise going to its "broad and ambitious curriculum". 

Inspectors said pupils achieve well, and above others nationally in multiplication checks. 

They said well-trained staff teach phonics every day and listen to the children read. 

They found pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are "included fully in the life of the school". 

A report, published on May 23, read: "Pupils’ individual needs are identified precisely. They receive support to access the same learning as their peers. Pupils with SEND have positive attitudes to learning and achieve well." 

Children in early years were described as "enthusiastic" about learning and pupil behaviour was found to be good, with children described as "polite and respectful". 

The trips and experiences offered at the school were praised and pupils were said to develop an understanding of world faiths and beliefs.

Inspectors said staff felt well-supported by school leaders. 

In some foundation subjects they found leaders are "in the early stages of checking how well the curriculum is being implemented" meaning "minor weaknesses are not noticed as swiftly as in English and mathematics." 

They said the school should focus on checking "how well the curriculum is implemented so that leaders and governors can enhance the teaching in the foundation subjects." 

Inspectors also said the governing body has many new members who are yet to fully implement their roles in "effectively holding leaders to account for the quality of education." 

They said: "Leaders should work together to make sure that governors understand their role and carry this out effectively so that they can hold leaders to account for the quality of education." 

This is the first ungraded inspection since the school was graded good in March 2019.