Frustrated residents of a Bury St Edmunds estate are calling for action as a promised community shop is still yet to come to fruition. 

A shop had been planned for disused land at the Marham Park estate after developer Sheppard Developments was given the green light by West Suffolk Council in September 2021.

However, the site still lies empty despite residents spotting a local groundworks company at the site last September.

Emma Ashworth, who has lived in Myrtlewood Road since 2018 and said they were promised a shop even back then, said residents are becoming increasingly angry. 

"It's very frustrating that there were always promises," she said.

"They said when a certain amount of houses had been built we would have a shop built, but I think that amount of houses was reached years ago.

"I think the main thing that has frustrated people the most is the gym being built before any sign of a shop has even been thought of." 

David Lloyd is currently building a 100+ station gym, health spa and club on the Marham Park estate. 

Ms Ashworth has launched a petition for the shop to be built, which now has more than 300 signatures. 

She said: "To be honest I wasn't sure how well we would get on, I just wanted to see how many others wanted the shop as much as us. 

"I would like someone to listen to us and realise how much we need a shop."

She added that residents used to use the Coop in Mildenhall Road but it shut, leaving them having to go further afield. 

Cllr Jim Thorndyke, cabinet member for planning at West Suffolk Council, said: "The council has already approved the details of the shop at Marham Park so no further planning permission is required.

Cllr Jim Thorndyke, cabinet member for planning at West Suffolk CouncilCllr Jim Thorndyke, cabinet member for planning at West Suffolk Council (Image: WSC)

"We have had discussions with a potential developer, but as this is a commercial matter between third parties, and driven by market forces, we don’t have any further details we can share ourselves at this stage. 

"However, we are ready to assist with any remaining planning matters once a developer is ready to proceed to ensure the new shop is delivered as quickly as possible for residents." 

Sheppard Developments have been approached for comment.