Proposals for a 66-bedroom care home as well as dozens of bungalows and a trio of almshouses in a mid Suffolk village have been refused by planners. 

Mid Suffolk District Council's planning committee met on Wednesday at 9.30am to discuss plans for land to the north and west of, School Road in Elmswell, between Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket.

The outline planning application by Christchurch Land & Estates (Elmswell South) Ltd proposed the creation of a care village made up of 66-bedroom care home, 37 extra care bungalows and three almshouses.

The plans, submitted at the end of last year, also included a management office, club house, community growing area, orchard, bee hives and open space. 

The application was met with 40 letters, emails and online comments of objection, with no neutral or supporting comments being submitted.

Objections cited, amongst many other concerns, a loss of countryside, an increased flood risk, increased pressure on the School Road/Church Road junction, and a lack of facilities including health centres and GPs in Elmswell. 

Elmswell Parish Council also "strongly urged" for the plans to be refused, saying the junction is "at capacity" and the GP surgery that serves the village is in Woolpit and is already "under stress". 

The officer report before the committee on Wednesday recommended members resolved to refuse permission. 

During the meeting, Peter Dow, the clerk to Elmswell Parish Council, spoke to councillors. 

"It's the most prominent landscape in Elmswell," said Mr Dow.

He continued to explain the School Road/Church Road junction is "pushed to the limit" and the site is a "nightmare by road".

He added: "In terms of other infrastructure the Woolpit Health Centre is not ready to accept and, if you do the sums, there are at least 106 new customers for the health centre if this were to succeed."

He also described the plan as "ad-hoc" and "opportunistic." 

Councillor Jen Overett, for Elmswell and Woolpit, said the plans have caused residents "anxiety". 

The plans went to a vote and the members opted to refuse the development.