Plans have been lodged to build 40 new homes in a west Suffolk village. 

If given the go-ahead by West Suffolk Council the new homes will be built in land just off Hopton Road in Barningham, north of Stanton. 

Of the 40 homes, it is expected that 40% of them would be affordable housing.

According to the planning application the development will deliver a "compelling range of economic, social and environmental benefits, including affordable housing and other planning obligations".

It added: "The outline planning application proposes high quality residential development in an accessible and sustainable location, on a site that will shortly be allocated for housing."

As well as the new homes the development will include public open spaces and a green infrastructure.

The site is located in a zone one flood zone, which has the lowest risk of flooding. 

The applicants have also said the site has good transport links to the market town of Bury St Edmunds. 

Access to the homes on the 1.84-hectare site will be gained via Hopton Road, the documents state.