An 88-year-old rapist will spend the rest of his life in jail after being found guilty of raping and sexually assaulting teenage girls over a 16 year period.

Leonard Swallow of Peddars Close, Ixworth was sentence to 15 years in prison at Ipswich Crown Court on Wednesday for one offence of rape, nine offences of sexual activity with a child and six offences of sexual assault.

Swallow denied the historic offences, which dated between 2005 and 2021, but was convicted of the offences following a trial.

He was found not guilty of one offence of rape, five offences of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, two offences of sexual assault and four offences of sexual activity with a child.

Leonard Swallow was convicted and sentenced at Ipswich Crown CourtLeonard Swallow was convicted and sentenced at Ipswich Crown Court (Image: Suffolk Police)

Ipswich Crown Court heard he had groomed the girls by giving them junk food, sweets, money, alcohol and cigarettes and provided an environment which was described as “every child’s dream”.

One of his victim's said in a statement; “I’m just trying to find the words on how you tipped my world upside down.

“Talking about what happened was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

She added: “I want you to understand how much you hurt me. I couldn’t sleep because when I did all I could do was think of what you did.

“I was so empty and numb for so long I had no connection with anyone, my body was here, but my soul was somewhere else.

“I’m still struggling, and I still have nightmares that won’t go away. I’ll never forgive you for all the pain you caused. I hope you think about the pain you caused every day for the rest of your life.”

In mitigation the court heard Swallow has medical issues and prison would be a challenge for him as he is claustrophobic.

However, Judge Emma Peters said: “The sentence I pass on you today will probably mean you spend the rest of your life in prison but that is the punishment you deserve.”

Judge Peters imposed an indefinite restraining order on Swallow not to contact the victims.